Tuesday, October 12, 2010


 sketch in 5 minutes?? 0_o

 the "CUBE"
one of david chipperlfield's hotel rooms


 plan of group work site with measurements..
a "perspective view" of our site.. (i got lazy yet again)


electrical symbols and textures!!!


the site plan for the Anchorage Museum..

this is the plan for the Anchorage Museum

this is a section of the Anchorage Museum..

and this is the elevation of the museum..

finally the perspective of the Anchorage Museum!!!


site plan for ground floor

was walking around at ground floor.. the detail is the door knob..
second floor plan

the toilet lift corner!!
then i turned lazy again.. poor taylors.. not.. x)

SJ02 b

well.. i admit.. i was lazy when i drew these.. >.<
but then... i turned on hardworking mode again!!!


Da 6 strokes of sketching!! ziggy-zag, cross hatching, poitilism and a few more!!!


the cute lil fellow on the left is the Hamburglar!!
the dude on the right is the ever famous Batman!!

this is Spiderman!!! the wall crawler Peter Parker..